Sunday 16 June 2013

Research Paper Topics - Things That Make You 'Think' A While

Before starting work on a research paper, two things must be clearly formulated; firstly, one should possess a thesis and a questionnaire that fits the subject in consideration alongside a basic outline of the format of the paper on what needs to be said at each specific zone of the paper.
Drafting should be the least time-consuming and yet the most important step in the composing of a research paper. The draft need not be of polished language and could be composed using shorthand writing methods or other rough measures.
It is meant to make the task at hand easier and straightforward for the composer and need not be a part of the original finished output. Indeed, a draft is only intended to drive home the focal point of the paper to the writer himself, thus making the job substantially easier.
While finalizing the first draft, two common problems are generally faced...
1. You suffer from absolute clueless ness about the topic in hand (showing that you are dealing with something out of your league for the moment and much hard work is needed) or.
2. Most commonly you take too long to revise and rework your draft...
The solution to the second problem lies in your perspective: the draft is just to help you get your focus right and doesn't need to be an impressive piece of work in itself,
3. A major problem that most students face while composing their draft is procrastination (the tendency to put things off for a later period). Students afraid of the slowness and imperfection of their draft usually fall prey to this tendency and depend on pressure to become their biggest motivator.
You may read all the points in detail at: How to Write a Research Paper
As a result students hand in their first-draft as final papers without revision leading to inferior output. Try the following:
a)Try pretending its your final exam...follow your outline and set a timer, make sure a friend or relative watches over so that you do not cheat the watch.
b) Setting small, time bound goals which ensure that you get this part of work done in this amount of time: automatically the pressure factor sets in.
c)Imagining that you are required to present a speech on the topic at hand and need to finalize the main points in 10 minutes...
It ultimately boils down to the creation of pressure that makes one motivated to get their drafts ready on time.
Education Help

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